Assistive Technology at your library

Assistive Technology in the Library

This is a team blog created for the LT 130 course Library Media and Technology at Palomar College. It will cover assistive technology as it relates to the library setting, and will be used to showcase our ideas and activities on this topic.

Our purpose is to learn something new about assistive technology, and to share what we have learned with you.

The team members include:
-Renee Shelton
-Shellie McCurdy
-Amba Walters
-Kim Milan
-Rebecca Kingsley
-Luke Tesluk

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Assistive Technology tools and Update to blog

Alternative keyboards may vary in shape and size so as to meet the needs of individual users. For instance, a student with a visual impairment may have difficulty using a traditional keyboard, so an alternative keyboard with large and colorful keys may used to promote access.

Digital Pen/ Smart Pens: Smart pens are devices that capture audio,diagrams, words, and symbols. As you take notes as you write them.                          

 The change that I made on the template is located on the Home page under the title box next to About, the title is Assistive Technology at your Library.

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