Assistive Technology at your library

Assistive Technology in the Library

This is a team blog created for the LT 130 course Library Media and Technology at Palomar College. It will cover assistive technology as it relates to the library setting, and will be used to showcase our ideas and activities on this topic.

Our purpose is to learn something new about assistive technology, and to share what we have learned with you.

The team members include:
-Renee Shelton
-Shellie McCurdy
-Amba Walters
-Kim Milan
-Rebecca Kingsley
-Luke Tesluk

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Assistive Technology: Libraries and the digital divide

Does the Digital Divide still exist: Technology Access and Minorities in higher education?

The advances in technology in higher education are significant. However, in this burgeoning technology environment, many minorities face the problems of Access, Inclusion and Underrepresentation. While some researchers report that the inequities based on race still continue (Cooper, 2006; Mullis, Mullis & Cornille, 2007), others argue that the digital divides are being bridged (Cotten & Jelenewicz, 2006). This study is designed to help determine if the digital divide still exists among minority college students. This study follows after the study conducted by Chisholm et al (1998) except that while their study investigated a single campus, this study will focus on four campuses that will include a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), a tribal college, a Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) institution, and a predominantly white institution. It also differs from the study by Jones et al (2009) with the inclusion of minority institutions.
Nworie, B., Nworie, J. & Mintah, J. (2010). Does the Digital Divide still exist: Technology Access and Minorities in higher education?. In J. Herrington & C. Montgomerie (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2010--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 997-1005). Toronto, Canada: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 11, 2019 from .

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